Tobacco Industry Interference has been the biggest challenge in the development and implementation of tobacco control laws. Tobacco Industry betters understands that the implementation of tobacco control laws would reduce their companies’ sales and profit. Hence, the tobacco industry’s main strategy is to influence law enforcement agencies through its tactics, such as its CSR activities and other financial contribution during a natural crisis. Furthermore, TI targets youths and children through its misleading promotional activities, such as surrogate marketing. Article 5.3 of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control addresses tobacco industry interference.
Nepal has strong tobacco control laws and regulations, including a complete TAPS ban. Furthermore, WHO FCTC article 5.3 recommends parties protect public health policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry and article 13 further recommends banning all sorts of tobacco TAPS as well as other CSR-related activities of the tobacco industry. However, undermining the tobacco control laws, tobacco companies in Nepal have geared up their CSR activities to present themselves as allies of public health in combating the pandemic and to influence government, policymakers, and law enforcement agencies in the effective implementation of tobacco control laws.
Major CSR activities of Surya Nepal Pvt. Ltd. during COVID-19