I am committed to make Lalitpur a tobacco free city – Chiribabu Maharjan

I am committed to make Lalitpur a tobacco free city – Chiribabu Maharjan

It has been 13 years since the Tobacco Control and Regulation Act came into effect in Nepal. However, its full implementation aspect is still weak. Despite the law, every year more than 37,000 people in Nepal lose their life due to diseases caused by the consumption of tobacco products. The government of Nepal does not seem to be sensitive to its prevention and strictness. But some elected representatives at the local level in their capacity are undertaking various initiatives to protect their citizens from the harm of tobacco products. Chiribabu Maharjan, mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City is one of the representatives who has shown commitment to make his city a tobacco free city. In interaction with Action Nepal, Mr. Maharjan spoke about various initiatives undertaken by Lalitpur metropolis towards tobacco control.


What is Lalitpur Metropolis doing to control tobacco products?

Lalitpur Metropolis is very conscious about the health of its citizens. Therefore, we have undertaken several initiatives to control tobacco products. The first is the implementation part of the Tobacco Control and Regulation Act 2068 that the government of Nepal has made. Based on this federal law, we have made our own procedures. Work is being done according to that procedure. Now the question is what has been done. Look, now in any public place in Lalitpur like the religious and cultural heritage sites, like the Patan Durbar Square and its surrounding areas, consumption and sale of tobacco products is strictly prohibited. The metropolis is committed to strictly implement this rule.


In the case of Patan Durbar Square, we are deputing city police for 24-hour surveillance. Our city police are very smart, they understand the law well and are helping to enforce it accordingly. Another thing is that we have put up big hoarding boards in every bus park, mall, and park that says No Smoking Zone. Because the city police are also roaming around there, no one dares to smoke in that vicinity. In the same way, from time to time, the city police also conduct house-to-door programs and also public awareness programs in schools to remind and make people and school children aware of the consequences of consumption of tobacco products. Overall, we are trying to do what we can and we must from our side. By saying this, it does not mean that no one smokes cigarettes in Lalitpur, we have certainly tried to work according to the law.


The theme for World No Tobacco Day 2024 is “Protecting children from tobacco industry interference”. What is the plan of your office for this year world no tobacco day?


See, we are trying our best to protect our future leaders, i.e. children, from this addiction and keeping them away from its harm. We are very sensitive about our policy of prohibition of buying and selling of tobacco products within the periphery of 100 meters around schools. We are strictly monitoring it. Another thing is that tobacco companies have not dared to interfere in my city yet. And even if they try to interfere, we will not tolerate it. Yes, because it is easy for children to get addicted to tobacco products, we are aware that children are their target. We have banned advertising and promotion of tobacco products in Lalitpur city and we have also boycotted programs sponsored by tobacco companies.


You said that you will introduce Lalitpur as a healthy city. Does it include ‘no tobacco’?

Yes, it does. One of the important elements of Healthy City is tobacco control. We have planned to run campaigns one after the other. Like other activities, we are also working on putting no smoking posters in public buses. If our metro police see someone smoking in no smoking area, they go to them and remind them that it is not allowed to smoke in that place. We have found that our strategy have yielded positive results. I am happy to see this. We are also distributing pamphlets with different messages about the harm caused by tobacco in various public places and to the citizens walking on the road. We can’t say that Lalitpur is already a tobacco free city, we have much to work in this regard but we are very determined to continue and implement what we have done. I would also like to thank the residents of this city for their support. But much remains to be done for Healthy City.


How easy will it be to make Lalitpur a smoke free city? What do you think about it?

No work is easy at first. But I believe that it should not be left in the middle. As an elected representative, it is my responsibility to protect residents of this city from tobacco. I try my best to do it and will continue to do so. A few days ago, I had gone out to the public park wearing a mask and cap so that no one could recognize me. There, I saw many young people, I think they were college going children, were not smoking cigarettes but e-cigarettes that too without any hesitation. When I saw that, I was shocked. It seems companies manufacturing and selling these products have given a message that cigarettes are bad but e-cigarettes are good. We have to overcome these illusions. We now face double challenges. On the one hand, citizens and especially teenagers, children and young people should be protected from the harm caused by traditional tobacco products and on the other hand we should also make them aware of the harm caused by e-cigarettes containing various chemicals. We have become sensitive to that.


How do you look at introducing some course on the harm caused by the consumption of tobacco products and vaping in the local curriculum?

We had a talk about it amongst ourselves in our office. We have already placed a chapter on traffic rules in the local textbooks to educate students of grade 5, 6, and 7 about traffic rules. Now we are planning to educate school children about the harm caused by tobacco products. We have to discuss and prepare the content and decide how we could move forward in this regard. We believe that if we make it a part of formal education and if children are made aware of the harm caused by tobacco products, they will never consume such products.


Finally, today is World No Tobacco Day, what message do you want to convey to the people of your city?

I want to say all the citizens of this city that smoking and tobacco consumption only do harm. So do not waste your precious life. Let’s be aware that our children do not get addicted to this, let us inform them about its harm. If anyone is addicted to it, let’s take a vow to stop it from today. I want to appeal to all the residents of this city for their cooperation to make Lalitpur a smoke free city.